Hot Jupiter engulfment by a red giant in 3D hydrodynamics [SSA]

Transit and radial-velocity surveys over the past two decades have uncovered a significant population of short-period exoplanets. Among them are hot Jupiters, which are gas giant planets with orbital periods of a few days and found in 0.1-1% of Sun-like stars. Hot Jupiters are expected to be engulfed during their host star’s radial expansion on the red giant branch. Planetary engulfment has been studied extensively as it may account for observed rapidly rotating and chemically enriched giant stars. We perform 3D hydrodynamical simulations of hot Jupiter engulfment by a 1 solar mass, 4 solar radii early red giant. Our “global” simulations simultaneously resolve the stellar envelope and planetary structure, modelling the hot Jupiter as a polytropic gas sphere. We find that approximately 90% of the hot Jupiter’s mass is ablated in the convective part of the giant envelope, which would enhance the surface lithium abundance by 0.1 dex. The hot Jupiter is disrupted by a combination of ram pressure and tidal forces near the base of the convective envelope, with the deepest material penetrating to the radiative zone. The star experiences modest spin-up (~1 km/s), although engulfing a more massive companion could produce a rapidly rotating giant. Drag heating near the surface could exceed the unperturbed stellar luminosity and power an optical transient. For the amount of unbound ejecta recorded in the simulation, H-recombination could also power a transient that is around ten times the pre-engulfment luminosity, for several days.

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M. Lau, M. Cantiello, A. Jermyn, et. al.
Mon, 31 Oct 22

Comments: 14 pages, 11 figures