Flows For The Masses: A multi-fluid non-linear perturbation theory for massive neutrinos [CEA]


Velocity dispersion of the massive neutrinos presents a daunting challenge for non-linear cosmological perturbation theory. We consider the neutrino population as a collection of non-linear fluids, each with uniform initial momentum, through an extension of the Time Renormalization Group perturbation theory. Employing recently-developed Fast Fourier Transform techniques, we accelerate our non-linear perturbation theory by more than two orders of magnitude, making it quick enough for practical use. After verifying that the neutrino mode-coupling integrals and power spectra converge, we show that our perturbation theory agrees with N-body neutrino simulations to within $10\%$ for neutrino fractions $\Omega_{\nu,0} h^2 \leq 0.005$ up to wave numbers of $k = 1~h/$Mpc, an accuracy consistent with $\leq 2.5\%$ errors in the neutrino mass determination. Non-linear growth represents a $>10\%$ correction to the neutrino power spectrum even for density fractions as low as $\Omega_{\nu,0} h^2 = 0.001$, demonstrating the limits of linear theory for accurate neutrino power spectrum predictions.

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J. Chen, A. Upadhye and Y. Wong
Mon, 31 Oct 22

Comments: 51 pages, 17 figures