The code PEGASE.3 for distant RadioGalaxies with JWST [GA]

The physical link of the star formation-AGN activities is analyzed from multiwavelength energy distributions of distant radiogalaxies (RG) with the help of two models: the new evolutionary code PEGASE.3 with dust predictions and the Siebenmorgen’s AGN model, with the aim to to disentangle the farIR dust emissions from respectively interstellar medium and torus of RGs. Best-fits of the HST-Spitzer-Herschel (UV-to-IR) observations of the 3CR RGs with libraries of hybrid SED templates identify three components (AGN, old galaxy and young starburst) tracing the relation of starburst-AGN luminosities. To confirm this relation at higher resolutions, the JWST/NIRCam, MIRI and NIRspec instruments are needed, SED libraries and evolving colors of galaxy hosts adapted to the JWST instruments are in preparation with PEGASE.3.

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B. Fioc
Mon, 19 Nov 18

Comments: 2 pages, 3 figures, IAU2018 Proceedings (FM3 session)