The spiral arms of galaxies [GA]

The most important theory of the spiral arms of galaxies is the density wave theory based on the Lin-Shu dispersion relation. However, the density waves move with the group velocity towards the inner Lindblad resonance and tend to disappear. Various mechanisms to replenish the spiral waves have been proposed. Nonlinear effects play an important role near the inner and outer Lindblad resonances and corotation. The orbits supporting the spiral arms are precessing ellipses in normal galaxies that extend up to the 4/1 resonance. On the other hand, in barred galaxies the spiral arms extend along the manifolds of the unstable periodic orbits at the ends of the bar and they are composed of chaotic orbits. However these chaotic orbits can be found analytically.

Read this paper on arXiv…

G. Contopoulos
Wed, 26 Oct 22

Comments: 20 pages, 24 figures, talk at the one-day workshop “Spirals and bars in galaxies”of the RCAAM of the Academy of Athens (14/10/2022)