Calibrating the Cepheid Period–Wesenheit Relation in the Gaia Bands using Galactic Open Cluster Cepheids [SSA]

Establishing the period–Wesenheit relation requires independent and accurate distance measurements of classical Cepheids (DCEPs). The precise distance provided by an associated open cluster independently calibrates the period–Wesenheit relation of DCEPs. 51 DCEPs associated with open clusters are compiled using the constraints of five-dimensional astrometric information. By directly using Gaia DR3 parallax, the period–Wesenheit relation in the Gaia $G$ band is calibrated as $W_G = (-3.06 \pm 0.11) \log P + (-2.96 \pm 0.10)$. Compared with the results derived by directly adopting the DCEP parallaxes or using distance moduli, the Wesenheit magnitudes based on the cluster-averaged parallaxes exhibit a tighter relation with the period. Besides, there is a systematic offset between the observed Wesenheit absolute magnitudes of distant OC-DCEPs and their fitted magnitudes. After considering the parallax zero-point correction, the systematic offset can be reduced, yielding a probably better PW relation of $W_G = (-2.94 \pm 0.12) \log P + (-2.93 \pm 0.11)$.

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Z. Lin, Y. Xu, C. Hao, et. al.
Thu, 6 Oct 22

Comments: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ