A long-period pre-ELM system discovered from LAMOST medium-resolution survey [SSA]


We present LAMOST~J041920.07+072545.4 (hereafter J0419), a close binary consisting of a bloated extremely low mass pre-white dwarf (pre-ELM WD) and a compact object with an orbital period of 0.607189~days. The large-amplitude ellipsoidal variations and the evident Balmer and He~I emission lines suggest a filled Roche lobe and ongoing mass transfer. No outburst events were detected in the 15 years of monitoring of J0419, indicating a very low mass transfer rate. The temperature of the pre-ELM, $T_\mathrm{eff} = 5793_{-133}^{+124}\,\rm K$, is cooler than the known ELMs, but hotter than most CV donors. Combining the mean density within the Roche lobe and the radius constrained from our SED fitting, we obtain the mass of the pre-ELM, $M_1 = 0.176\pm 0.014\,M_\odot$. The joint fitting of light and radial velocity curves yields an inclination angle of $i = 66.5_{-1.7}^{+1.4}$ degrees, corresponding to the compact object mass of $M_2 = 1.09\pm 0.05\,M_\odot$. The very bloated pre-ELM has a smaller surface gravity ($\log g = 3.9\pm 0.01$, $R_1 = 0.78 \pm 0.02\,R_\odot$) than the known ELMs or pre-ELMs. The temperature and the luminosity ($L_\mathrm{bol} = 0.62_{-0.10}^{+0.11}\,L_\odot$) of J0419 are close to the main sequence, which makes the selection of such systems through the HR diagram inefficient. Based on the evolutionary model, the relatively long period and small $\log g$ indicate that J0419 could be close to the “bifurcation period” in the orbit evolution, which makes J0419 to be a unique source to connect ELM/pre-ELM WD systems, wide binaries and cataclysmic variables.

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Z. Zhang, L. Zheng, W. Gu, et. al.
Thu, 29 Sep 22

Comments: 25 pages, 13 figures, ApJ, 933, 193