Spatially Dependent Photometric Activity of M dwarfs in the Solar Cylinder [SSA]

We study the relationship between Galactic location ($R, Z$) and photometric activity for 3.6 million M dwarf stars within 1 kpc of the Sun. For this purpose, we identify 906 unique flare events as a proxy for magnetic activity from the SkyMapper Southern Survey DR3. We adopt vertical distance $|Z|$ from the Galactic disc as a proxy for age and confirm a strong trend of flaring fraction decreasing with growing stellar age. Among M dwarfs within 50 pc of the Sun, we find a flaring fraction of 1-in-1,500, independent of spectral type from M2 to M7, suggesting that these stars are all in a flare-saturated young evolutionary stage. We find a hint of a kink in the slope of the overall flare fraction near 100 pc from the plane, where a steep decline begins; this slope change is visible for mid-type M dwarfs (M3–M5), suggesting it is not an artefact of mixing spectral type. Together with SDSS H$\alpha$ emission, this trend is additional evidence that the activity fraction of M dwarfs depends on Galactic height and activity lifetime. While there is a hint of flattening of the overall activity fraction above $|Z|\approx$ 500 pc, our data do not constrain this further. Within $\sim$500 pc distance from the Sun, we find no sign of radial disk gradients in flare activity, which may only be revealed by samples covering a larger radial range.

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S. Chang, C. Wolf and C. Onken
Wed, 28 Sep 22

Comments: 13 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS