SIT 45: An interacting, compact, and star-forming isolated galaxy triplet [GA]

The merging system SIT 45 (UGC 12589) is an unusual isolated galaxy triplet, consisting of three merging late-type galaxies, out of 315 systems in the SIT (SDSS-based catalogue of Isolated Triplets). The main aims of this work are to study its dynamical evolution and star formation history (SFH), as well as its dependence on its local and large-scale environment. To study its dynamics, parameters such as the velocity dispersion ($\sigma_{v}$), the harmonic radius ($R_{H}$), the crossing time ($H_0t_c$), and the virial mass ($M_{vir}$), along with the compactness of the triplet ($S$) were considered. To constrain the SFH, we used CIGALE to fit its observed spectral energy distribution using multi-wavelength data from the ultraviolet to the infrared. According to its SFH, SIT 45 presents star-formation, where the galaxies also present recent ($\sim $200 Myr) star-formation increase, indicating that this activity may have been triggered by the interaction. Its dynamical configuration suggests that the system is highly evolved in comparison to the SIT. However this is not expected for systems composed of star-forming late-type galaxies, based on observations in compact groups. We conclude that SIT 45 is a system of three interacting galaxies that are evolving within the same dark matter halo, where its compact configuration is a consequence of the on-going interaction, rather than due to a long-term evolution (as suggested from its $H_0t_c$ value). We consider two scenarios for the present configuration of the triplet, one where one of the members is a tidal galaxy, and another where this galaxy arrives to the system after the interaction. Both scenarios need further exploration. The isolated triplet SIT 45 is therefore an ideal system to study short timescale mechanisms ($\sim 10^8$ years), such as starbursts triggered by interactions which are more frequent at higher redshift.

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D. Grajales-Medina, M. Argudo-Fernández, P. Vásquez-Bustos, et. al.
Tue, 27 Sep 22

Comments: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics