ELM of ELM-WD: An extremely low mass hot donor star discovered in LAMOST survey [SSA]


The Extremely Low Mass White Dwarfs (ELM WDs) and pre-ELM WDs are helium core white dwarfs with mass $<\sim 0.3M_{\odot}$. They are formed in close binaries and have lost over half of their initial masses via Common Envelope (CE) ejection or stable Roche Lobe Over Flow (RLOF). Both evolution simulations and observations show that a lower mass limit for ELM WDs exists at $\approx0.14M_{\odot}$. Here we report the discovery of an extremely low mass ELM WD, ID70904216 in LAMOST survey, that may be lower than the ELM WD mass limit. Based on LAMOST and P200 spectroscopic observations, ID70904216 shows orbital period $P_{orb} =$ 0.219658 days and radial velocity semi-amplitude $K1=317.33km/s$, which gives the mass function of 0.73$M_{\odot}$, indicating the companion is a compact star. The low resolution spectra shows a F type star with $T_{\rm eff} \sim 7361K$ without emission features. The temperature is consistent with that derived from SED fitting($7440K$) and multi-color light curve solution($7400K$). The optical light curves, in ZTF g, r and i bands and Catalina V band, show ellipsoidal variability with amplitudes $\approx30\%$, suggesting that the visible companion is heavily tidal distorted. Combining with the distance from Gaia survey, the WD code modeling estimates that the mass of the visible star is $M1=0.08^{+0.06}{-0.03}M{\odot}$, and the mass of the invisible star is $M2=0.94^{+0.45}{-0.10}M{\odot}$. The radius of the visible donor is $R=0.29\pm0.01R_{\odot}$. The inclination angle is constrained between 60$^{\circ}$ and 90$^{\circ}$. The observations indicate the system is a pre-ELM WD + WD/NS binary system with an extremely low mass hot donor below the $0.14M_{\odot}$ theoretical limit.

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H. Yuan, Z. Li, Z. Bai, et. al.
Thu, 22 Sep 22

Comments: 16 pages, 10 figures