LOFAR search for radio emission from galaxies hosting tidal disruption events [GA]


Radio emission from 23 tidal disruption event host galaxies were searched in the 144 MHz LOFAR-LoTSS2 images. Three host galaxies are detected with diffuse radio emission, which can be interpreted as either galactic synchrotron radio emission or diffuse radio halo in dense galactic environments. Non-detection of (transient) radio emission in majority of galaxies could be due to self-absorption of radio emission associated with the tidal disruption event. The detected objects are AT2018iih, RBS 1032, and NGC 5905. Non-detection for Sw 1644+57 is also reported.

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K. Kaushik, A. Omar, B. Kumar, et. al.
Wed, 21 Sep 22

Comments: 3 pages, 3 figures, In Research Notes AAS (RNAAS)