Forward Modeling of Magnetic-field Measurements at the Bases of Stellar Coronae through Extreme-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy [SSA]

Measurements of the stellar coronal magnetic field are of great importance in understanding the stellar magnetic activity, yet the measurements have been extremely difficult. Recent studies proposed a new method of magnetic field measurements based on the magnetic-field-induced-transition (MIT) of the Fe~{\sc{x}} ion. Here we construct a series of stellar coronal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) models and synthesize several Fe~{\sc{x}} emission lines at extreme-ultraviolet wavelengths, and then diagnose the magnetic field strength at the bases of the coronae using the MIT technique. Our results show that the technique can be applied to some stars with magnetic fields more than three times higher than that of the Sun at solar maximum. Furthermore, we investigate the uncertainty of the derived magnetic field strength caused by photon counting error and find that a signal-noise ratio of $\sim$50 for the Fe~{\sc{x}} 175 {\AA}~line is required to achieve effective measurements of the stellar coronal magnetic field.

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X. Liu, H. Tian, Y. Chen, et. al.
Tue, 20 Sep 22

Comments: 12 pages, 7 figures