Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier: Report of the CF04 Topical Group on Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration in the Modern Universe [CEA]

Cosmological observations in the new millennium have dramatically increased our understanding of the Universe, but several fundamental questions remain unanswered. This topical group report describes the best opportunities to address these questions over the coming decades by extending observations to the $z<6$ universe. The greatest opportunity to revolutionize our understanding of cosmic acceleration both in the modern universe and the inflationary epoch would be provided by a new Stage V Spectroscopic Facility (Spec-S5) which would combine a large telescope aperture, wide field of view, and high multiplexing. Such a facility could simultaneously provide a dense sample of galaxies at lower redshifts to provide robust measurements of the growth of structure at small scales, as well as a sample at redshifts $2<z<5$ to measure cosmic structure at the largest scales, spanning a sufficient volume to probe primordial non-Gaussianity from inflation, to search for features in the inflationary power spectrum on a broad range of scales, to test dark energy models in poorly-explored regimes, and to determine the total neutrino mass and effective number of light relics. A number of compelling opportunities at smaller scales should also be pursued alongside Spec-S5. The science collaborations analyzing DESI and LSST data will need funding for a variety of activities, including cross-survey simulations and combined analyses. The results from these experiments can be greatly improved by smaller programs to obtain complementary data, including follow-up studies of supernovae and spectroscopy to improve photometric redshift measurements. The best future use of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory should be evaluated later this decade after the first LSST analyses have been done. Finally, investments in pathfinder projects could enable powerful new probes of cosmology to come online in future decades.

Read this paper on arXiv…

J. Annis, J. Newman and A. Slosar
Mon, 19 Sep 22

Comments: Topical Group Report for CF04 (Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration in the Modern Universe) for Snowmass 2021