The Iron Yield of Core-collapse Supernovae [HEAP]

We present a systematic analysis of 191 stripped-envelope supernovae (SE SNe), aimed to compute their $^{56}$Ni masses from the luminosity in their radioactive tails ($M_\mathrm{Ni}^\mathrm{tail}$) and/or in their maximum light, and the mean $^{56}$Ni and iron yields of SE SNe and core-collapse SNe. Our sample consists of SNe of types IIb, Ib, and Ic from the literature and from the Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey. We use color curves to infer host galaxy reddenings and the representative $R_V$ value for each SN type. To calculate luminosities from optical photometry, we compute bolometric corrections using 49 SE SNe with optical and near-IR photometry. We find that the equation of Khatami & Kasen relating peak time and luminosity is not a reliable estimator of the $^{56}$Ni masses of SE SNe. Instead, we find a correlation between $M_\mathrm{Ni}^\mathrm{tail}$, peak time, peak luminosity, and decline rate, which allows measuring individual $^{56}$Ni masses to a precision of 14%. Applying this method to the whole sample, we find, for SNe IIb, Ib, and Ic, mean $^{56}$Ni masses of $0.066\pm0.006$, $0.082\pm0.009$, and $0.132\pm0.011$ M${\odot}$, respectively. After accounting for their relative rates, for SE SNe as a whole we compute mean $^{56}$Ni and iron yields of $0.090\pm0.005$ and $0.097\pm0.006$ M${\odot}$, respectively. Combining these results with the recent Type II SN mean $^{56}$Ni mass derived by Rodr\’iguez et al., core-collapse SNe, as a whole, have mean $^{56}$Ni and iron yields of $0.055\pm0.006$ and $0.058\pm0.007$ M$_{\odot}$, respectively. We highlight that the Arnett model, Arnett’s rule, and hydrodynamical models typically overestimate the $^{56}$Ni masses of SE SNe by 75, 90 and 65%, respectively.

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&. Rodríguez, D. Maoz and E. Nakar
Wed, 14 Sep 22

Comments: 52 pages, 37 figures. Submitted to AAS