Investigating the impact of different velocity fields on the spectral appearance of Wolf-Rayet stars [SSA]

The emission line spectra of WR stars are often formed completely in the optically thick stellar wind. Hence, any assumption on the wind velocity law in a spectral analysis has a profound impact on the determination of the stellar parameters. By comparing Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) model spectra calculated with different $\beta$ laws, we show that the velocity field heavily influences the spectra: by using the appropriate $\beta$ laws, the entire range of late and early types can be covered with the same stellar model.

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R. Lefever, T. Shenar, A. Sander, et. al.
Wed, 14 Sep 22

Comments: 2 pages, 1 figure, to be published in the Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union for the IAU Symposium 361 “Massive Stars Near and Far”