Neutrino Flux Deduced from $γ$-rays Emitted by Novae [HEAP]

The recently discovered high energy emission from the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi by Fermi-LAT ($>$ 100 MeV), H.E.S.S. and MAGIC ($>$ 100 GeV), hints towards a possible hadronic origin of this radiation component. From this high energy photon flux we derive the expected number of neutrino events that could be detected by present and future neutrino telescopes in the different energy ranges. We find the number to be well below the detectors’ capabilities. Therefore, both hadronic and leptonic processes remain valid interpretations of this $\gamma$-ray emission. Preliminary estimates indicate that in order to detect a plausible number of neutrino events with {IceCube-DeepCore} and KM3NeT the novae distances should not be greater than $\sim 1$ and $\sim 2$ kpc, respectively. Current values of the rates of nova eruptions in the Milky Way will allow present and future neutrino facilities to detect neutrino events from novae on a time scale of the order of once or twice per decade.

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D. Guetta, Y. Hillman and M. Valle
Tue, 13 Sep 22

Comments: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal