In-situ Observation Of Alfv'en Waves In Icme Shock-Sheath Indicates Existence Of Alfv'enic Turbulence [SSA]

The dynamic evolution of coronal mass ejection (CME) in interplanetary space generates highly turbulent, compressed, and heated shock-sheath. This region furnishes a unique environment to study the turbulent fluctuations at the small scales and serve an opportunity for unfolding the physical mechanisms by which the turbulence is dissipated and plasma is heated. How does the turbulence in the magnetized plasma control the energy transport process in space and astrophysical plasmas is an attractive and challenging open problem of the 21st century. For this, the literature discusses three types of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) waves/ fluctuations in magnetized plasma as the magnetosonic (fast), Alfv’enic (intermediate), and sonic (slow). The magnetosonic type is most common in the interplanetary medium. However, Alfv’enic waves/fluctuations have not been identified to date in the ICME sheath. The steepening of the Alfv’en wave can form a rotational discontinuity that leads to an Alfv’enic shock. But, the questions were raised on their existence based on the theoretical ground. Here, we demonstrate the observable in-situ evidence of Alfv’en waves inside turbulent shock-sheath at 1 AU using three different methods desciribed in the literature. We also estimate Els”asser variables, normalized cross helicity, normalized residual energy and which indicate outward flow of Alfv’en waves. Power spectrum analysis of IMF indicates the existence of Alfv’enic turbulence in ICME shock-sheath. The study has strong implications in the domain of interplanetary space plasma, its interaction with planetary plasma, and astrophysical plasma.

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A. Raghav, Z. Shaikh, O. Dhamane, et. al.
Tue, 13 Sep 22

Comments: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1810.06004