Cylindrically symmetric radial accretion onto a Levi-Civita string-like source [CL]

Radial steady-state accretion of polytropic matter is investigated under cylindrical symmetry in the Levi-Civita background metric. The model can be considered as a cylindrical analog of Bondi accretion in strong gravitational field. As a byproduct of this study, the issue of defining the line mass density is addressed and the role of the metric free parameters is discussed on the example of physical observables. The form of radial accretion equations is insensitive to the structure of the interior solution. Accordingly, the accretion solution analysis can be limited to a special Wilson form of Levi-Civita metric describing a structureless homogeneous string.

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&. Bratek, J. Jałocha and M. Kutschera
Mon, 22 Aug 22

Comments: This is not the final published version