Spectroscopic analysis of BPS CS 22940-0009: connecting evolved helium stars [SSA]


BPS CS 22940-0009 is a helium-rich B-star that shares characteristics with both helium-rich B subdwarfs and extreme helium stars. The optical spectrum of BPS CS 22940-0009 has been analysed from SALT observations. The atmospheric parameters were found to be $T_{\rm eff} = 34970 \pm 370$ K, $\log g/{\rm cm \, s^{-2}} = 4.79 \pm 0.17$, $n_{\rm H}/n_{\rm He} \simeq 0.007$, $n_{\rm C}/n_{\rm He} \simeq 0.007$, $n_{\rm N}/n_{\rm He} \simeq 0.002$, although further improvement to the helium line fits would be desirable. This places the star as a link between the He-sdB and EHe populations in $g$-$T$ space. The abundance profile shows enrichment of N from CNO-processing, and C from $3\alpha$ burning. Depletion of Al, Si, S and a low upper limit for Fe show the star to be intrinsically metal-poor. The results are consistent with BPS CS 22940-0009 having formed from the merger of two helium white dwarfs and currently evolving toward the helium main sequence.

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E. Snowdon, L. Scott, C. Jeffery, et. al.
Wed, 17 Aug 22

Comments: 16 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society