CO(J = 1-0) Observations toward the Filamentary Cloud in the Galactic Region of $153.60^{\circ} \leqslant l \leqslant 156.50^{\circ}$ and $1.85^{\circ} \leqslant b \leqslant 3.50^{\circ}$ [GA]

We present observations of $J$=1-0 transition lines of ${ }^{12} \mathrm{CO}$, ${ }^{13} \mathrm{CO}$, and $\mathrm{C}^{18} \mathrm{O}$ towards the Galactic region of $153.60^{\circ} \leqslant l \leqslant 156.50^{\circ}$ and $1.85^{\circ} \leqslant b \leqslant 3.50^{\circ}$, using the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) 13.7 m millimeter telescope. Based on the \tht data, one main filament and five sub-filaments are found together as a network structure in the velocity interval of $[-42.5, -30.0] \,\mathrm{km} \mathrm{\,s}^{-1}$. The kinematic distance of this molecular cloud (MC) is estimated to be $\sim4.5 \mathrm{\,kpc}$. The median length, width, excitation temperature, line mass of these filaments are $\sim49 \mathrm{\,pc}$, $\sim2.9 \mathrm{\,pc}$, $\sim8.9 \mathrm{\,K}$, and $\sim39 \,M_{\odot} \mathrm{pc}^{-1}$, respectively. The velocity structures along these filaments exhibit oscillatory patterns, which are likely caused by the fragmentation or accretion process along these filaments. The maximum accretion rate is estimated to be as high as $\sim700 \,M_{\odot} \mathrm{pc}^{-1}$. A total of $\sim162$ \tht clumps and $\sim 103$ young stellar objects (YSOs) are identified in this region. Most of the clumps are in gravitationally bound states. Three \hii regions (G154.359+2.606, SH2-211, SH2-212) are found to be located in the apexes of the filaments. Intense star forming activities are found along the entire filamentary cloud. The observed results may help us to better understand the link between filaments and massive star formation.

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W. Guo, X. Chen, J. Feng, et. al.
Wed, 17 Aug 22

Comments: 45 pages, 23 figures, accepted by ApJ