Spin-Flavor Precession Phase Effects in Supernova [CL]


If the neutrino has a large magnetic moment, then a phase effect may appear in its spin-flavor precession inside the supernova. It differs from the ordinary flavor oscillation phase effect in two aspects: It can develop even if there is only one partially adiabatic resonance and it effects a large part of the neutrino energy spectrum. We examine the spin-flavor precession phase effect both analytically and numerically for the Majorana neutrinos in a core collapse supernova. Our analytical approach is based on the assumption that spin-flavor precession and Mikheev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein resonances are completely decoupled. Where this decoupling assumption fails, we present only numerical results. We show that the sensitive phase dependence of the survival probabilities can be treated as an uncertainty which smears the final neutrino energy spectra to be observed at Earth.

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T. Bulmus and Y. Pehlivan
Tue, 16 Aug 22

Comments: 16 pages, 9 figures