An outlook on the estimate of the solar quadrupole moment from relativistic gravitation contributions [SSA]

Of all the solar fundamental parameters (mass, diameter, gravity at the surface,…), the gravitational moments have been quite often ignored in the past, mainly due to the great difficulty to get a reliable estimate. Even though the order of magnitude of the solar quadrupole moment $J_2$ is now known to be $10^{-7}$, its accurate value is still discussed. Indeed, the expansion in multipoles $J_{(l,~ l = 2, …)}$ of the gravitational potential of a rotating body affects the orbital motion of planets at a relativistic level. We will recall here the recent progresses made in testing General Relativity through the contribution of the first solar quadrupole moment. Using the Eddington-Robertson parameters, we recall the constraints both on a theoretical and experimental point of view. Together with $\gamma$, which encodes the amount of curvature of space-time per unit rest-mass, the Post–Newtonian Parameter $\beta$ contributes to the relativistic precession of planets. The latter parameter encodes the amount of non-linearity in the superposition law of gravitation. Even though in principle, it would be possible to extract $J_2$ from planetary ephemerides, we observe that it is significantly correlated with other solution parameters (semi-major axis of planets, mass of asteroids…). Focusing on the $J_2$ correlations, we show that in general, when ~$\beta$ and ~$\gamma$ are freed, the correlations ~[$\beta, J_2$] and ~[$\gamma, J_2$] are $\approx$ 45\% and $\approx$ 55\% respectively. Moreover, all the planetary dynamics-based values are biased by the Lense–Thiring effect, which has never been modeled and solved for so far, but can be estimated to $\approx$ 7\%. It is thus possible to get a good estimate of the solar quadrupole moment:$1.66\times10^{-7}$$\leq$$J_2$$\leq$$2.32\times10^{-7}$.

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J. Rozelot, A. Kilcik and Z. Fazel
Tue, 16 Aug 22

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