HMI Ring Diagram Analysis: Effects of tracking, noise and resolution [SSA]

Ring diagram analysis is a standard local helioseismic technique. Data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) are routinely used for Ring-diagram analysis, and fits to the power spectra as well as inversion results are standard data products. In this paper we examine the effects of different tracking rates, noise, and resolution on ring-diagram results. Most of the analysis is for $15^\circ$ tiles, but we also examine the effects of different tile sizes. The largest effect we find is that of resolution. Doppler noise has very little effect on the results, except perhaps at the deepest regions for which the tiles can give reliable results; variations in the tracking rate have a similar effect.

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S. Basu and R. Bogart
Fri, 3 Jun 22

Comments: Accepted for publication in Solar Physics