Testing White Dwarf Age Estimates using Wide Double White Dwarf Binaries from Gaia EDR3 [SSA]


White dwarf (WD) stars evolve simply and predictably, making them reliable age indicators. However, self-consistent validation of the methods for determining WD total ages has yet to be widely performed. This work uses 1565 wide ( > 100 au) WD+WD binaries and 24 new triples containing at least two WDs to test the accuracy and validity of WD total age determinations. For these 1589 wide double-WD binaries and triples, we derive total ages of each WD using photometric data from all-sky surveys, in conjunction with Gaia parallaxes and current hydrogen-atmosphere WD models. Ignoring initial-to-final-mass relations and considering only WD cooling ages, we find that roughly 21-36% of the more massive WDs in a system have a shorter cooling age. Since more massive WDs should be born as more massive main-sequence stars, we attribute this unphysical disagreement as evidence of prior mergers or the presence of an unresolved companion, suggesting that roughly 21-36% of wide WD+WD binaries were once triples. Among the 423 wide WD+WD pairs that pass high-fidelity cuts, we find that 25% total age uncertainties are generally appropriate for WDs with masses > 0.63 Msun and temperatures < 12,000 K, and provide suggested inflation factors for age uncertainties for higher-mass WDs. Overall, WDs return reliable stellar ages, but we detail cases where total ages are least reliable, especially for WDs < 0.63 Msun.

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T. Heintz, J. Hermes, K. El-Badry, et. al.
Thu, 2 Jun 22

Comments: 24 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Catalog available at this https URL