Revised extinctions and radii for 1.5 million stars observed by APOGEE, GALAH, and RAVE [SSA]

Asteroseismology has become widely accepted as a benchmark for accurate and precise fundamental stellar properties. It can therefore be used to validate and calibrate stellar parameters derived from other approaches. Meanwhile, one can leverage archival and ongoing large-volume surveys in photometry, spectroscopy, and astrometry to infer stellar parameters over a wide range of evolutionary stages, independently of asteroseismology. Our pipeline, $\texttt{SEDEX}$, compares the spectral energy distribution predicted by the MARCS and BOSZ model spectra with 32 photometric bandpasses, combining data from 9 major, large-volume photometric surveys. We restrict the analysis to targets with available spectroscopy to lift the temperature-extinction degeneracy. Validation of our method and results with CHARA interferometry, HST CALSPEC spectrophotometry, and asteroseismology, shows that we achieve high precision and accuracy. We present improved interstellar extinction ($\sigma_{A_V} \simeq$ 0.08 mag) and stellar radii ($\sigma_R/R \simeq$ 3.6%) for $\sim$1.5 million stars in the low- to high-extinction ($A_V \lesssim 6 $ mag) fields observed by the APOGEE, GALAH, and RAVE spectroscopic surveys. We derive global extinctions for 191 Gaia DR2 open clusters. We confirm the differential extinction in NGC 6791 ($A_V=0.2$ to $0.6$ mag) and NGC 6819 ($A_V=0.4$ to $0.6$ mag) that have been subject to extensive asteroseismic analysis.

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J. Yu, S. Khanna, N. Themessl, et. al.
Thu, 2 Jun 22

Comments: 21 pages, 13 figures, and 3 tables. Tables 2 and 3 will be available once the paper is accepted by AAS; also available upon request to the first author