Core-collapse supernova from a possible progenitor star of 100 M$_{\odot}$ [HEAP]

In this work, we study the synthetic explosions of a massive star. We take a 100 M$_{\odot}$ zero–age main–sequence (ZAMS) star and evolve it until the onset of core-collapse using {\tt MESA}. Then, the resulting star model is exploded using the publicly available stellar explosion code, {\tt STELLA}. The outputs of {\tt STELLA} calculations provide us the bolometric light curve and photospheric velocity evolution along with other physical properties of the underlying supernova. In this paper, the effects of having large Hydrogen-envelope on the supernova light curve have been explored. We also explore the effects of the presence of different amounts of nickel mass and the effect of changing the explosion energy of the resulting supernovae from such heavy progenitors, on their bolometric light curves and photospheric velocities.

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A. Aryan, S. Pandey, A. Yadav, et. al.
Wed, 1 Jun 22

Comments: Published as a Special Issue of Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2022, Astrophysical jets and observational facilities: National perspective, 05 -09 April 2021, ARIES Nainital