370 New Eclipsing Binary Candidates from TESS Sectors 1-26 [SSA]


We present 370 candidate eclipsing binaries (EBs), identified from ~510,000 short cadence TESS light curves. Our statistical criteria identify 5,105 light curves with features consistent with eclipses (~1% of the initial sample). After visual confirmation of the light curves, we have a final sample of 2,288 EB candidates. Among these, we find 370 sources that were not included in the catalog recently published by Prsa et al. We publish our full sample of 370 new EB candidates, and statistical features used for their identification, reported per observation sector.

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E. Howard, J. Davenport and K. Covey
Tue, 31 May 22

Comments: Accepted by RNAAS. Table 1 is available here: this https URL