The SAMI Galaxy Survey: The Link Between [$α$/Fe] and Kinematic Morphology [GA]

We explore a sample of 1492 galaxies with measurements of the mean stellar population properties and the spin parameter proxy, $\lambda_{R_{\rm{e}}}$, drawn from the SAMI Galaxy Survey. We fit a global $\left[\alpha/\rm{Fe}\right]$-$\sigma$ relation, finding that $\left[\alpha/\rm{Fe}\right]=(0.395\pm0.010)\rm{log}{10}\left(\sigma\right)-(0.627\pm0.002)$. We observe an anti-correlation between the residuals $\Delta\left[\alpha/\rm{Fe}\right]$ and the inclination-corrected $\lambda{\,R_{\rm{e}}}^{\rm{\,eo}}$, which can be expressed as $\Delta\left[\alpha/\rm{Fe}\right]=(-0.057\pm0.008)\lambda_{\,R_{\rm{e}}}^{\rm{\,eo}}+(0.020\pm0.003)$. The anti-correlation appears to be driven by star-forming galaxies, with a gradient of $\Delta\left[\alpha/\rm{Fe}\right]\sim(-0.121\pm0.015)\lambda_{\,R_{\rm{e}}}^{\rm{\,eo}}$, although a weak relationship persists for the subsample of galaxies for which star formation has been quenched. We take this to be confirmation that disk-dominated galaxies have an extended duration of star formation. At a reference velocity dispersion of 200 km s$^{-1}$, we estimate an increase in half-mass formation time from $\sim$0.5 Gyr to $\sim$1.2 Gyr from low- to high-$\lambda_{\,R_{\rm{e}}}^{\rm{\,eo}}$ galaxies. Slow rotators do not appear to fit these trends. Their residual $\alpha$-enhancement is indistinguishable from other galaxies with $\lambda_{\,R_{\rm{e}}}^{\rm{\,eo}}\lessapprox0.4$, despite being both larger and more massive. This result shows that galaxies with $\lambda_{\,R_{\rm{e}}}^{\rm{\,eo}}\lessapprox0.4$ experience a similar range of star formation histories, despite their different physical structure and angular momentum.

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P. Watson, R. Davies, J. Sande, et. al.
Thu, 28 Apr 22

Comments: 12 pages, 9 figures