Taylor's Frozen-in Hypothesis for Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and Solar Wind [CL]


In hydrodynamics, Taylor’s frozen-in hypothesis connects the wavenumber spectrum to the frequency spectrum of a time series measured in real space. In this paper, we generalize Taylor’s hypothesis to magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. We analytically derive one-point two-time correlation functions for Els\”{a}sser variables whose Fourier transform yields the corresponding frequency spectra, $ E^\pm(f) $. We show that $ E^\pm(f) \propto |{\bf U}_0 \mp {\bf B}_0|^{2/3} $ in Kolmogorov-like model, and $ E^\pm(f) \propto (B_0 |{\bf U}_0 \mp {\bf B}_0|)^{1/2} $ in Iroshnikov-Kraichnan model, where $ {\bf U}_0, {\bf B}_0$ are the mean velocity and mean magnetic fields respectively.

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M. Verma
Thu, 28 Apr 22

Comments: 12 pages