Magnetic field strength from turbulence theory (I): Using differential measure approach (DMA) [GA]

The mean plane-of-sky magnetic field strength is traditionally obtained from the combination of polarization and spectroscopic data using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi (DCF) technique. However, we identify the major problem of the DCF to be its disregard of the anisotropic character of MHD turbulence. On the basis of the modern MHD turbulence theory we introduce a new way of obtaining magnetic field strength from observations. Unlike the DCF, the new technique uses not the dispersion of the polarization angle and line of sight velocities, but increments of these quantities given by the structure functions. To address the variety of the astrophysical conditions for which our technique can be applied, we consider the turbulence in both media with magnetic pressure larger than the gas pressure corresponding e.g. to molecular and the gas pressure larger than the magnetic pressure corresponding to the warm neutral medium. We provide general expressions for arbitrary admixture of Alfv\’en, slow and fast modes in these media and consider in detail the particular cases relevant to diffuse media and molecular clouds. We successfully test our results using synthetic observations obtained from MHD turbulence simulations. We demonstrate that our Differential Measure Approach (DMA), unlike the DCF, can be used to measure the distribution of magnetic field strengths, can provide magnetic field measurements with limited data and is much more stable in the presence of large scale variations induces of non-turbulent nature. In parallel, our study uncover the deficiencies of the earlier DCF research.

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A. Lazarian, K. Yuen and D. Pogosyan
Fri, 22 Apr 22

Comments: 53 pages, 32 figures, Accepted by ApJ for publications. Code: this https URL