Viscous and centrifugal instabilities of massive stars [SSA]

Massive stars exhibit a variety of instabilities, many of which are poorly understood. We explore instabilities induced by centrifugal forces and angular momentum transport in massive rotating stars. First, we derive and numerically solve linearized oscillation equations for adiabatic radial modes in polytropic stellar models. In the presence of differential rotation, we show that centrifugal and Coriolis forces combined with viscous angular momentum transport can excite stellar pulsation modes, under both low- or high-viscosity conditions. In the low-viscosity limit, which is common in real stars, we demonstrate how to compute mode growth/damping rates via a work integral. Finally, we build realistic rotating $30\,M_\odot$ star models and show that overstable (growing) radial modes are predicted to exist for most of the star’s life, in the absence of non-adiabatic effects. Peak growth rates are predicted to occur while the star is crossing the Hertzsprung-Russell gap, though non-adiabatic damping may dominate over viscous driving, depending on the effective viscosity produced by convective and/or magnetic torques. Viscous instability could be a new mechanism to drive massive star pulsations and is possibly related to instabilities of luminous blue variable stars.

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Y. Shi and J. Fuller
Wed, 23 Mar 22

Comments: 14 pages, 12 figures; revised in response to comments from a referee