Sunbathing under white light — 3D modelling of brown dwarf – white dwarf atmospheres with strong UV irradiation [SSA]

The atmospheres of brown dwarfs orbiting in close proximity to their parent white dwarf represent some of the most extreme irradiated environments known. Understanding their complex dynamical mechanisms pushes the limits of theoretical and modelling efforts, making them valuable objets to study to test contemporary understanding of irradiated atmospheres. We use the Exo-FMS GCM to simulate the brown dwarfs WD0137-349B, SDSS J141126.20+200911.1B and EPIC212235321B, first coupled to a multi-banded grey radiative-transfer scheme then a spectral correlated-k scheme with high temperature opacity tables. We then post-process the GCM results using gCMCRT to compare to available observational data. Our GCM models predict strongly temperature inverted atmospheres, spanning many decades in pressure due to impact of UV band heating. Post-processing of our models suggest that the day-night contrast is too small in the GCM results. We therefore suggest that the formation of cloud particles as well as atmospheric drag effects such as magnetic drag are important considerations in setting the day-night temperature contrast for these objects.

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E. Lee, J. Lothringer, S. Casewell, et. al.
Mon, 21 Mar 22

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS: 18 March 2020