Central black hole mass in the distant tidal disruption event candidate of {\it Swift} J2058.4+0516 [HEAP]


In the manuscript, central black hole (BH) mass is estimated in the distant TDE (tidal disruption event) of {\it Swift} J2058.4+0516 as the second candidate of relativistic jet birth related to TDE. {\it Swift} J2058.4+0516 have quite different BH masses estimated through different indirect methods in the literature. Therefore, it is necessary and interesting to determine the central BH mass in {\it Swift} J2058.4+0516 by one another independent method. Here, based on the theoretical TDE model applied to describe the long-term time-dependent X-ray variabilities of {\it Swift} J2058.4+0516, the central BH mass can be well determined to be around $1.05_{-0.29}^{+0.39}\times10^5{\rm M_\odot}$, after kind considerations of suggested intrinsic beaming effects from such relativistic jet tightly related to TDE. Moreover, the {\it Swift} J2058.4+0516 is an unique object in the space of BH masses versus energy transfer efficiencies of the reported TDE candidates, providing interesting clues to detect and/or anticipate candidates of relativistic TDE to make the birth of relativistic jets.

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Z. XueGuang
Thu, 24 Feb 22

Comments: 10 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, Accepted to be published in ApJ