Hidden Variables of Gravity and Geometry and the Cosmological Constant Problem [CL]


We extend General Relativity by adding $4$-form field strengths to the gravitational sector of the theory. This promotes Planck scale and the cosmological constant into integration constants of these $4$-forms. When we include the charges of the $4$-forms, these constants can jump discretely from region to region. We explain how the cosmological constant problem can be solved in this framework. When the cosmological constant picks up contributions from two different $4$-forms, with an irrational ratio of charges, the spectrum of its values is a very fine discretuum. If the distribution of values is controlled by the Euclidean path integral, the theory exponentially favors a huge hierarchy $\Lambda/M_{Pl}^4 \ll 1$ instead of $\Lambda/M_{Pl}^4 \simeq 1$.

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N. Kaloper
Wed, 16 Feb 22

Comments: 10 pages LaTeX, 1 .pdf figure