Mechanical feedback from stellar winds with an application to galaxy formation at high redshift [GA]

We compute different sets of stellar evolutionary tracks in order to quantify the energy, mass, and metals yielded by massive main-sequence and post-main-sequence winds. Our aim is to investigate the impact of binary systems and of a metallicity-dependent distribution of initial rotational velocities on the feedback by stellar winds. We find significant changes compared to the commonly used non-rotating, single-star scenario. The largest differences are noticeable at low metallicity, where the mechanical-energy budget is substantially increased. So as to establish the maximal (i.e. obtained by neglecting dissipation in the near circumstellar environment) influence of winds on the early stages of galaxy formation, we use our new feedback estimates to simulate the formation and evolution of a sub-$L_*$ galaxy at redshift 3 (hosted by a dark-matter halo with a mass of $1.8\times 10^{11}$ M$_\odot$) and compare the outcome with simulations in which only supernova feedback is considered. Accounting for the continuous energy injection by winds reduces the total stellar mass, the metal content, and the burstiness of the star-formation rate as well as of the outflowing gas mass. However, our numerical experiment suggests that the enhanced mechanical feedback from the winds of rotating and binary stars has a limited impact on the most relevant galactic properties compared to the non-rotating single-star scenario. Eventually, we look at the relative abundance between the metals entrained in winds and those ejected by supernovae and find that it stays nearly constant within the simulated galaxy and its surrounding halo.

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Y. Fichtner, L. Grassitelli, E. Romano-Diaz, et. al.
Thu, 20 Jan 22

Comments: 20 pages, 20 figures, Comments are welcome