Comparison between core-collapse supernova nucleosynthesis and meteoric stardust grains: investigating magnesium, aluminium, and chromium [SSA]

Isotope variations of nucleosynthetic origin among Solar System’s solid samples are well documented, yet the origin of these variations is still uncertain. The observed variability of \iso{54}Cr among materials formed in different regions of the proto-planetary disk has been attributed to variable amounts of presolar chromium-rich oxide (chromite) grains, which exist within the meteoritic stardust inventory and most likely originated from some type of supernova explosions. To investigate if core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) could be the site of origin of these grains, we analyse yields of CCSN models of stars with initial mass 15, 20 and 25 M$_{\odot}$, and solar metallicity. We present an extensive abundance data set of the Cr, Mg, and Al isotopes as a function of enclosed mass. We find cases in which the explosive C-ashes produce a composition in good agreement with the observed \iso{54}Cr/\iso{52}Cr and \iso{53}Cr/\iso{52}Cr ratios as well as the \iso{50}Cr/\iso{52}Cr ratios. Taking into account that the signal at atomic mass 50 could also originate from \iso{50}Ti, the ashes of explosive He-burning also match the observed ratios. Addition of material from the He ashes (enriched in Al and Cr relative to Mg to simulate the make-up of chromite grains) to the Solar System composition may reproduce the observed correlation between Mg and Cr anomalies, while material from the C-ashes does not present significant Mg anomalies together with Cr isotopic variations. In all cases, non-radiogenic, stable Mg isotope variations dominate over the variations expected from \iso{26}Al.

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J. Hartogh, M. Peto, T. Lawson, et. al.
Fri, 14 Jan 22

Comments: Accepted for publication in ApJ