New Massive Contacting Twin Binary in a Radio-quiet HII Region Associated with the M17 Complex [SSA]

Early-B stars may create an HII region that appears as radio-quiet. We report the identification of new early-B stars associated with the radio-quiet HII region G014.645–00.606 in the M17 complex. The ratio-quiet HII region G014.645–00.606 is adjacent to three radio-quiet WISE HII region candidates (Anderson et al. 2014). The ionizing sources of the radio-quiet HII regions are expected to later than B1V, given the sensitivity about 1-2 mJy of the MAGPIS 20 cm survey. The stars were first selected if their parallaxes of GAIA EDR3 match that of the 22 GHz H$_2$O maser source within the same region. We used the color-magnitude diagram made from the ZTF photometric catalog to select the candidates for massive stars because the intrinsic $g-r$ colors of massive stars change little from B-type to O-type stars. Five stars lie in the areas of the color-magnitude diagram where either reddened massive stars or evolved post-main sequence stars of lower masses are commonly found. Three of the five stars, sources 1, 2, and 3, are located at the cavities of the three IR bubbles, and extended H$\alpha$ emission is detected around the three IR bubbles. We suggest that sources 1, 2, and 3 are candidates for early-B stars associated with the radio-quiet region G014.645–00.606. Particularly, source 1 is an EW type eclipsing binary with a short period of 0.825 day, while source 2 is an EA type eclipsing binary with a short period of 0.919 day. The physical parameters of the two binary systems have been derived through the PHOEBE model. Source 1 is a twin binary of two stars with T~23,500 K, and source 2 contains a hotter component (T~20,100 K) and a cooler one (T~15,500 K). The $O-C$ values of source 1 show a trend of decline, implying that the period of source is deceasing. Source 1 is likely a contacting early-B twin binary, for which mass transfer might cause its orbit to shrink.

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J. Yin, Z. Chen, Y. Yao, et. al.
Fri, 7 Jan 22

Comments: accepted for publication in RAA; abstract is shorten to match the arxiv limit