We review novel data analysis techniques developed or adapted for the field of coronal seismology. We focus on methods from the last ten years that were developed for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imaging observations of the solar corona, as well as for light curves from radio and X-ray. The review covers methods for the analysis of transverse and longitudinal waves; spectral analysis of oscillatory signals in time series; automated detection and processing of large data sets; empirical mode decomposition; motion magnification; and reliable detection, including the most common pitfalls causing artefacts and false detections. We also consider techniques for the detailed investigation of MHD waves and seismological inference of physical parameters of the coronal plasma, including restoration of the three-dimensional geometry of oscillating coronal loops, forward modelling and Bayesian parameter inference.
S. Anfinogentov, P. Antolin, A. Inglis, et. al.
Tue, 28 Dec 21
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