Influence of Comptonization region over the ambiance of accretion disc in Active Galactic Nucleus [HEAP]

Understanding the radiative and physical structures of inner region of a few 100 pc of AGNs is important to constrain the causes of their activities. Although the X-ray emission from the Comptonization region/corona and the accretion disc regulates the broad line emission regions and torus structures, the exact mutual dependency is not understood well. We performed correlation studies for X-ray, mid-infrared, and different components of Balmer emission lines for the selected sample of AGNs. Almost 10 different parameters and their inter-dependencies were explored in order to understand the underlying astrophysics. We found that the X-ray luminosity has a linear dependency on the various components of broad Balmer emission lines (e.g. L${\text{2-10 keV}}$ $\propto$ L$^{0.78}{\text{H}\beta^{\text{B}}}$) and found a strong dependency on the optical continuum luminosity (L${\text{2-10 keV}}$ $\propto$ L$^{0.86}{5100\,\text{\AA}}$). For a selected sample, we also observed a linear dependency between X-ray and mid-infrared luminosity (L${\text{2-10 keV}}$ $\propto$ L$^{0.74}{6\,\upmu \text{m}}$). A break point was observed in our correlation studies for X-ray power-law index, $\Gamma$, and mass of black hole at $\sim$ log (M/M${\odot}$) = 8.95. Similarly the relations between $\Gamma$ and FWHM of H$\alpha$ and H$\beta$ broad components show breaks at FWHM${\text{H}\alpha}$= 7642$\pm$657 km s$^{-1}$ and FWHM$_{\text{H}\beta}$ = 7336$\pm$650 km s$^{-1}$. However, more data are required to confine the breaks locations exactly. We noted that $\Gamma$ and Eddington ratios are negatively correlated to Balmer decrements in our selected sample. We analyzed and discussed about the implications of new findings in terms of interaction AGN structures.

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K. Sriram, D. Nour and C. Choi
Thu, 9 Dec 21

Comments: 15 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS