Surface properties of neutron star within coherent density fluctuation model using the relativistic mean-field density [CL]

A detailed study of the structural properties of neutron star (NS) is performed within the coherent density fluctuation model using the recently developed G3 and widely used NL3 and IU-FSU parameter sets in the relativistic mean-field formalism. The masses, moment of inertia, and density profiles of the NS at various mass limits are studied. The incompressibility $K^{star}$, symmetry energy $S^{star}$, slope parameter $L_{sym}^{star}$ and curvature coefficient $K_{sym}^{star}$ of the NS at various masses are analyzed. The surface properties ($K^{star}$, $S^{star}$, $L_{sym}^{star}$ and $K_{sym}^{star}$) are found to be model dependent, NL3 is the stiffest equation of state gives the higher magnitude of surface quantities as compared to the G3 and IU-FSU forces.

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A. Kumar, H. Das, J. Pattnaik, et. al.
Wed, 8 Dec 21

Comments: 9 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, comments welcome