Near-Chandrasekhar-Mass Type Ia Supernovae from the Double-Degenerate Channel [HEAP]

Recent observational evidence has demonstrated that white dwarf (WD) mergers are a highly efficient mechanism for mass accretion onto WDs in the galaxy. In this paper, we show that WD mergers naturally produce highly-magnetized, uniformly-rotating WDs, including a substantial population within a narrow mass range close to the Chandrasekhar mass ($M_{\rm Ch}$). These near-$M_{\rm Ch}$ WD mergers subsequently undergo rapid spin up and compression on a $\sim 10^2$ yr timescale, either leading to central ignition and a normal SN Ia via the DDT mechanism, or alternatively to a failed detonation and SN Iax through pure deflagration. The resulting SNe Ia and SNe Iax will have spectra, light curves, polarimetry, and nucleosynthetic yields similar to those predicted to arise through the canonical near-$M_{\rm Ch}$ single degenerate (SD) channel, but with a $t^{-1}$ delay time distribution characteristic of the double-degenerate (DD) channel. Furthermore, in contrast to the SD channel, WD merger near-$M_{\rm Ch}$ SNe Ia and SNe Iax will not produce observable companion signatures. We discuss a range of implications of these findings, from SNe Ia explosion mechanisms, to galactic nucleosynthesis of iron peak elements including manganese.

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S. Neopane, K. Bhargava, R. Fisher, et. al.
Mon, 22 Nov 21

Comments: 20 pages, 4 figures, nucleosynthetic yields included as ancillary data files. Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal. Comments welcome