Populating the landscape in an inhomogeneous universe [CL]


The primordial Universe might be highly inhomogeneous. We perform the 3+1D Numerical Relativity simulation for the evolution of scalar field in an initial inhomogeneous expanding Universe, and investigate how it populates the landscape with both de Sitter (dS) and AdS vacua. The simulation results show that eventually either the field in different region separates into different vacua, so that the expanding dS or AdS bubbles (the bubble wall is expanding but the spacetime inside AdS bubbles is contracting) come into being with clear bounderies, or overall region is dS expanding with a few smaller AdS bubbles (which collapsed into black holes) or inhomogeneously collapsing.

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P. Lin and Y. Piao
Thu, 18 Nov 21

Comments: 10 pages + references and appendix, 7 figures