How much hydrogen is in Type Ib and IIb supernova progenitors? [SSA]

Core-collapse supernovae showing little or no hydrogen (denoted Type IIb and Ib, respectively) are the explosions of massive stars that lost some or most of their outer envelopes. How they lose their mass is unclear, but it likely involves binary interaction. So far, seven progenitors of such supernovae have been identified in pre-explosion imaging (five for Type IIb events and two for Type Ib events). Here we evolve detailed binary stellar evolution models in order to better understand the nature of these progenitors. We find that the amount of hydrogen left in the envelope at the time of explosion greatly depends on the post-interaction mass-loss rate. The leftover hydrogen, in turn, strongly affects progenitor properties, such as temperature and photospheric radius, in non-trivial ways. Together with extinction and distance uncertainties in progenitor data, it is difficult to deduce an accurate progenitor hydrogen mass from pre-explosion imaging. We quantify this uncertainty and find that available data is consistent with the proposed Type Ib – IIb hydrogen mass threshold of 0.033 Msun (Hachinger et al. 2012) but not with the proposed threshold of 0.001 Msun (Dessart et al. 2011), implying that even Type Ib progenitors are not pure helium stars. These results alleviate the proposed tension between the Type Ib classification of SN 2019yvr and its candidate progenitor properties (Kilpatrick et al. 2021). We also estimate the brightness of a surviving 2019yvr progenitor companion, which might be detected in future observations.

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A. Gilkis and I. Arcavi
Tue, 9 Nov 21

Comments: submitted