Robustness of non-standard cosmologies solving the Hubble constant tension [CEA]

In this manuscript we reassess the potential of interacting dark matter-dark energy models in solving the Hubble constant tension. These models, mostly modifying late-time physics, have been proposed but also questioned as possible solutions to the $H_0$ problem. Here we examine several interacting scenarios against cosmological observations, focusing on the important role played by the calibration of Supernovae data. In order to reassess the ability of interacting dark matter-dark energy scenarios in easing the Hubble constant tension, we systematically confront their theoretical predictions for $H_0$ to SH0ES measurements of \textit{(a) the Hubble constant} and \textit{(b) the intrinsic magnitude $M_B$}, explicitly showing that the choice of prior is irrelevant, as a higher value of $H_0$ is always recovered within interacting scenarios. We also find that one of the interacting scenarios provides a better fit to the cosmological data than the $\Lambda$CDM model itself.

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S. Gariazzo, E. Valentino, O. Mena, et. al.
Mon, 8 Nov 21

Comments: 10 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables