Inflation with exotic kinetic terms in Einstein-Chern-Simons gravity [CL]

An alternative scenario about the phenomenology of primordial Universe is k-inflation. According to this concept, inflation can be achieved by nonstandard kinetic term of scalar field, namely the inflaton. In this project we focus on k-essence models in the presence of a higher order and a linear kinetic term. Furthermore, the inflationary phenomenology with a Dirac-Born-Infeld scalar field is briefly examined, which arises from quantum theories of gravity such as superstring theory. Our approach about the inflationary era is that it can be described in the context of Einstein’s gravity involving quantum corrections such as the Chern-Simons string inspired parity violating gravitational term. The equations of motion namely, the Friedmann equation, the Raychadhuri equation and the Klein-Gordon equation for an expanding background are extracted from the gravitational action utilizing the variational principle. The consequential system of differential equations with respect to Hubble’s parameter and the inflaton field was quite perplexed in order to be solved with an analytic way. Therefore, the slow-roll conditions during inflationary era were imposed and terms with minor numerically contribution were neglected. From the overall phenomenological analysis it is proved that, models with exotic kinetic terms can generate viable results in consistency with the latest Planck data. Finally, the presence of Chern-Simons quantum corrections shifts the primordial spectral tensor index to blue. Even though blue gravitational waves have yet to be observed, if detected, compatibility with the aforementioned theory can be achieved.

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F. Fronimos and S. Venikoudis
Tue, 26 Oct 21

Comments: Accepted in International Journal of Modern Physics A. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2107.09457