Context. Several numerical problems require the interpolation of discrete data that present various types of discontinuities. The radiative transfer is a typical example of such a problem. This calls for high-order well-behaved techniques to interpolate both smooth and discontinuous data. Aims. The final aim is to propose new techniques suitable for applications in the context of numerical radiative transfer. Methods. We have proposed and tested two different techniques. Essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) techniques generate several candidate interpolations based on different substencils. The smoothest candidate interpolation is determined from a measure for the local smoothness, thereby enabling the essential non-oscillatory property. Weighted ENO (WENO) techniques use a convex combination of all candidate substencils to obtain high-order accuracy in smooth regions while keeping the essentially non-oscillatory property. In particular, we have outlined and tested a novel well-performing fourth-order WENO interpolation technique for both uniform and nonuniform grids. Results. Numerical tests prove that the fourth-order WENO interpolation guarantees fourth-order accuracy in smooth regions of the interpolated functions. In the presence of discontinuities, the fourth-order WENO interpolation enables the non-oscillatory property, avoiding oscillations. Unlike B\’ezier and monotonic high-order Hermite interpolations, it does not degenerate to a linear interpolation near smooth extrema of the interpolated function. Conclusions. The novel fourth-order WENO interpolation guarantees high accuracy in smooth regions, while effectively handling discontinuities. This interpolation technique might be particularly suitable for several problems, including a number of radiative transfer applications such as multidimensional problems, multigrid methods, and formal solutions.
G. Janett, O. Steiner, E. Ballester, et. al.
Mon, 25 Oct 21
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