On the viability of the evolution of the universe with Geometric Inflation [CL]


We perform a general analysis of the cosmological viability of Geometric Inflation. We show that the evolution of the universe, from inflation to the present day, can be seen from the addition of an infinite tower of curvature invariants into the Hilbert-Einstein action. The main epochs of the Universe can be reproduced: Inflation, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and Late-time acceleration driven by the cosmological constant. The slow-roll condition is a robust prediction of the theory. Inflation possesses a graceful exit with enough number of $e-$folds between the limit imposed by the Planck density and the exit of the exponential expansion to solve the horizon problem and the absence of topological defects. We also provide some scenarios where the energy scale of the theory can be calibrated.

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L. Jaime
Mon, 27 Sep 21

Comments: 17 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physics of the Dark Universe (this https URL)