Star compositions are essential for examining densities and compositional ranges of rocky exoplanets, testing their similarity to Earth. Stellar elemental abundances and planetary orbital data show that of the ~5000 known minerals, exoplanetary silicate mantles will contain mostly olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene, $\pm$ quartz, and magnesiuwustite at the extremes; wholly exotic mineralogies are likely absent. Understanding these exotic geological systems requires a better marriage of geological insights to astronomical data. The study of exoplanets is like a mirror, reflecting our incomplete understanding of Earth and neighboring planets; new geological/planetary experiments, informed by exoplanet studies, are needed for effectual progress.
K. Putirka, C. Dorn, N. Hinkel, et. al.
Fri, 20 Aug 21
Comments: To be published as article 2 in the “Geoscience Beyond the Solar System” issue of Elements magazine, v17 No4 1
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