Non-principal axis rotation in binary asteroid systems and how it weakens the BYORP effect [EPA]

Using viscoelastic mass/spring model simulations, we explore tidal evolution and migration of compact binary asteroid systems. We find that after the secondary is captured into a spin-synchronous state, non-principal axis rotation in the secondary can be long-lived. The secondary’s long axis can remain approximately aligned along the vector connecting secondary to primary while the secondary rocks back and forth about its long axis. Inward orbital semi-major axis migration can also resonantly excite non-principal axis rotation. By estimating solar radiation forces on triangular surface meshes, we show that the magnitude of the BYORP effect induced torque is sensitive to the secondary’s spin state. Non-principal axis rotation within the 1:1 spin-orbit resonance can reduce the BYORP torque or cause frequent reversals in its direction.

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A. Quillen, A. LaBarca and Y. Chen
Mon, 2 Aug 21

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