We use the stellar evolution code MESA to study the negative jet feedback mechanism in common envelope jets supernovae (CEJSNe) where a neutron star (NS) launches jets in the envelope of a red supergiant (RSG), and find that the feedback reduces the mass accretion rate to be about 0.05-0.2 times the mass accretion rate without the operation of jets. We mimic the effect of the jets on the RSG envelope by depositing the energy that the jets carry into the envelope zones outside the NS orbit. The energy deposition inflates the envelope, therefore reducing the density in the NS vicinity, which in turn reduces the mass accretion rate in a negative feedback cycle. For the canonical ratio of jets’ power to actual accretion power of 0.1, and for results from numerical simulations that show the actual mass accretion rate to be a fraction of 0.1-0.5 of the Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton mass accretion rate, we find that the negative jet feedback coefficient (the further reduction in the accretion rate) is about 0.05-0.2, for a NS spiraling-in in the RSG envelope.
A. Grichener, C. Cohen and N. Soker
Mon, 19 Jul 21
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