Relic Density of Axion Dark Matter in Standard and Non-Standard Cosmological Scenarios [CL]

In this master’s thesis we study the production of axion dark matter through the so-called misalignment mechanism by considering that during that time, the universe was dominated by a new kind of fluid, different than radiation. We perform a very detailed analysis of the oscillation temperature and the relic density today, both analytically and numerically. Our findings show that on the one hand, the oscillation temperature is strongly influenced by the non-standard cosmology, affecting the relic density, and on the other hand, the energy density of the axion gets diluted, because the new fluid eventually decays, injecting entropy into the thermal bath. We find the predicted parameter space of axion dark matter for different non-standard cosmologies and we show its impact on the coupling of axions to two photons.

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M. Venegas
Wed, 16 Jun 21

Comments: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1506.02601, arXiv:1111.5281 by other authors